Socially responsible community

In the foreseeable future, once customers become accustomed to using the digital catalog, it will contribute to the protection of the environment by producing printed catalogs in a much smaller number.

Environmental responsibility

Feather catalogs are in electronic format and do not require any paper. Therefore, preserve the extensive amount of natural resources that are used for manufacturing paper. Paper not only accounts for deforestation but also affects the environment in the form of paper pollution.

Creating a shopping list

Feather replaces the classic handwritten shopping lists by creating a personalized shopping list with a full description for each product: image, category, and quantity needed. Adding products to a list is beneficial for the user and the business since the chances of buying them are much higher.

Efficiency by customers that pick up the marketing materials

Each of your customers leaves with a receipt after shopping which means every customer is leaving the market with a promotional catalog. All that is needed is for the cashier in the market not to forget to inform the buyer that the latest catalog is on the back of the receipt.

Direct Earnings

The user has no interaction with the current flyer. Feather allows the user to order products from the promotional flyer from anywhere, at any time. By adding products to the shopping list, the chances of buying them are much higher, which benefits both the market and the consumer.

Additional channel to promote vendors

By activating Feather, another vendor promotion channel is automatically launched, so that the market can earn additional profit from promoting products on the first page, i.e. in top offers.

Manufactoring Costs

A solution that reduces manufacturing costs 100%. From a printed catalog that has no other purpose than to inform, to a receipt that every customer receives along with the newest promotional catalog.


Being able to collect accurate data is essential when it comes to understanding what works and what doesn’t. All campaigns can be monitored and customer data can be collected.The analytics will allow seeing how the users interact with the content, what are their main interests and much more


Sending notifications to customers who viewed certain products, but did not purchase them, can help them make a decision or it will just remind them to come back to the product page again. With each notification, the business increases the potential of making a sale.

Opportunity ti change the current promotion

At the moment, if a catalog is printed, it is not possible to change it. Feather allows real-time catalog changes.

Value after the expiration date

Now the catalog has no value after the promotional period and becomes garbage after that. If the catalog contains the Feather code, the catalog will always display the latest promotions.

Sharing a shopping list

Orally transmitted lists and products that we need or lists sent to social networks are forgotten, which both the user and the market lose. Share the created list in Feather with your family and be up to date with every purchase or product that is missing in your household at any time.

Direct order

The user has no interaction with the current catalog. Feather allows the user to order products from the promotional catalog immediately. By adding products to the list, the chances of buying them are much higher, which benefits both the market and the consumer.


Mobile applications are secure and protected, as native applications, they must be approved by AppStore or PlayStore. Unlike websites that can be an easy target for data abuse.


The user has no interaction with the current catalog. Feather allows the user to create a shopping list and share it. By adding products to the list, the chances of customers buying them, are much higher.

No installation mobile App

Even though you are aware that the products purchased are on promotion, the amount saved is not always easy to calculate. Feather calculates the exact amount saved on every shopping list or purchase.

Shopping list of products

Current shopping lists created at the moment for products that we notice we do not have, cause chaos and frustrating shopping. Feather's personalized shopping list is organized into categories, leaving wandering around the market in the past.

Creating a shopping list

Orally transmitted lists and products that we need or lists sent to social networks are forgotten, which both the user and the market lose. Share the created list in Feather with your family and be up to date with every purchase or product that is missing in your household at any time.

Value after the expiration date

Now the catalog has no value after the promotional period and becomes garbage after that. If the catalog contains the Feather code, the catalog will always display the latest promotions. 

Simple and Modern UX/UI

One of the most important features of the existence of mobile applications is the interface that is intended for mobile phones.


Up until now with classical catalogs, the user has no way to be notified of new promotions, or ending promotions. By scanning the Feather catalog, the user receives notifications of new promotions. With each notification, the market increases the potential for selling products.